An elderly lady who lived in a modular home had three porcupines living in her yard for three years. Recently, she decided to sell her home, so she wrapped the skirting of her home with chicken wire and plywood, but did not check to see if the porcupines were under the home.
In wrapping up the skirt of her home, she also locked up two juvenile porcupines underneath it, and separated them from the mother outside of the home. Every night she was being woken up by scratching. She called Zena’s to come get them. The older baby chewed up a 6″ hole outside the plywood and got out and we tracked and located him. The smaller one tried to chew up through the floor right through the insulation, damaging that. We kept him for a couple weeks so he could heal because the insulation did so much damage to his body.
The mother was finally caught last, and all three were released into the wild together as a slightly perturbed displaced family.